Keto Beef Taquitos with Cheese Taco Shells

The keto diet? Oh, you mean Taquito diet? I’m all over that! That’s right! Today we will be making the keto version of Beef Taquitos!
Keto Beef Taquitos with Cheese Taco Shells

Keto diet is one of the best diets for your creativity because you can create a keto-friendly version of almost every dish.

For this Keto Taquitos, we will use beef as the main filling that will satiate you and replenish the body with protein.

low carb beef taquitos

To make the shell low carb, we use a combination of cheeses: cheddar and mozzarella. They are also rich in protein and healthy fats.

We also use garlic powder and onion shallots to add the flavor. It is necessary to roast your meat in coconut oil to get an amazing coconut flavor.

Adding little chili flakes for sharpness. And you can use sour cream or full-fat yogurt as a dressing. Or don’t add anything. Focus on your taste preferences. Bon Appetit.
